The institute of Humanitarian and Social Sciences (I.A.K.E.) organizes, in connection with the successful accomplishment of the 4th International Scientific Conferences,
the 5th International Scientific Conference. Central topic:
Interdisciplinary as a cognitive, educational and social challenge
The Conference will take place in Heraklion, Crete, from the 5th to 7th of April 2019
The main aim of the Conference is to explore interdisciplinary as a nowadays challenge, proposition and practice in the field of scientific research, education, politics and society − at an individual and a collective level.
Key characteristics of the scientific progress nowadays are the enormous broadening of the human knowledge, the fragmentation of the scientific knowledge and consequently the emphasis on the specialized training.
Considerations regarding this phenomenon and its consequences have already been expressed from science’s establishment and they progress alongside; sometimes by emphasizing the demand for decentralization and specialization, and other times by underlining the demand for cooperation and composition considering every autonomization as alienation.
Since the ancient times, Plato, in his work “Politeia”, had written about the interconnection of separate knowledge areas. During the Renaissance, Homo Universalis has been proposed as the ideal model; the person who is interested in all arts and sciences. Since the beginning of the 20th century, in the educational area, J. Dewey underlined that the students are not living in multiple separate worlds, but in one united world, where everything is interconnected.
Nowadays, at the crossroad between theoretical and practical approaches, one experiences the tug of war between the general and the partial, the theory and the practice, the general education and the specialized training, the local and the universal.
In this context, the concern regarding more cooperative, spherical and holistic approaches arises, and shows up the demand for launching interdisciplinary as the antidote for overcoming conflicts and contradictions.
Could interdisciplinary lead to harmonic and functional conjunctions or is it a necessary evil due to the complexity of the social phenomena?
Is it maybe a regression against the thorough and structured specialization?
Which are the scientific and social reasons that drive the interdisciplinary approaches?
Is the mutual understanding and the mutual update in between the scientists the major factor requested, or is it the development of more meaningful collaborations and compositions?
Is the cooperation between different academic fields achievable?
What could pedagogues and engineers, bio-scientists and philosophers, economists and mechanical engineers, natural scientists and writers -and so on- have in common?
Is the cooperation required due to one useful end product or is it dictated by deeper existential and scientific reasons?
Having the aforementioned considerations as a starting point, the I.A.K.E Institute proceeds to the implementation of the 5th International Scientific Conference, hoping to highlight particular aspects of the issue and to become a forum for a fruitful scientific, educational and social dialogue for everyone who might be interested.
The Conference focuses its interest on following thematic areas related to the interdisciplinary, without excluding any other related thematic areas:
Theoretical approaches to interdisciplinary
- Semantic, historic, social, and scientific context
- Views of humanitarian and social sciences
- Contemporary trends and policies, scientific research and practices
Educational theory and practice
- Pedagogical, educational, and teaching theory
- Policies on Education, Orientation and Structures of Education
- Curriculum, supportive and teaching materials
- Teaching methodology, teaching proposals, teaching scenarios
- General education, cross-thematic and specialized training
- Innovative projects, new technologies
- Training for sustainability, vocational guidance
- Special education and inclusive education
- Informal education, lifelong learning
Science and research
- Institutions, processes, data, prospects
- Interdisciplinary in the academic and research field
- Collaborative and holistic approaches
- Innovative technologies and propositions, good practices
Social practice and development
- The tug of war between interdisciplinary and specialization
- Society and politics, individual/citizen and collectivities
- Local Authority, Citizen’s services, participation
- Economy and job market
- Mobility, Interculturalism, interpersonal relationships
- Interdisciplinary in culture, religion and art
Researchers, scientists, scholars
Employees in the areas of interdisciplinary research field and other research institutions
Officers in Education and teachers of all grades
Officers and employees in the local authority
Officers and employees in social and cultural institutions
Undergraduate and postgraduate students
PhD candidates, PhD holders, postdoc researchers
Anyone interested in contributing to a fruitful discussion in relation to the central topic and the thematic areas of the congress
Submission Deadlines for Applications: 20.12.2018
For more Information, click here:
Keywords: #Interdisciplinary; #instituteofHumanitarianandSocialSciences; #IAKE, #PlatoPoliteia, #CeonferenceHeraklion; #HomoUniversalis; #JohannaPanagiotou; #EleniMaraki