Theresienwiese in Munich. Most people associate this place with world’s biggest beer festival, the Oktoberfest. But even after 100 years it remains hardly unknown that this was the historical starting point of an unblood revolution that was held in November 7, 1918. It is known as the peace rally (Friedenskundgebung) on Theresienwiese which contributed to the establishment of Democracy, the benefits of which we enjoy up to now.
An attempt to pick and impart the most important historical events with original photo material for a wide audience by Johanna Panagiotou, PhD Candidate at LMU, 20th Century World History
In order to understand the tremendous success of the November Revolution, we primarily have to put ourselves in the circumstances at that time and seriously deal with what people actually demanded in 1918.
The majority of the Germans desperately wanted following three things:
1. To stop the War
2. To end the Monarchy
3. To democratize the Constitution
In this article we are concerned with the first point.
How did the Germans experience the World War I?
The occasion...
The Declaration Of The War On Serbia
Hitlers Enthusiasm
The Nation Was Soaked And Financed The War
The Role Of The SPD
The Outsiders...
Brutality and Propaganda
In a future article we will highlight the historical background, when Kurt Eisner proclaimed the Free State of Bavaria.